Poor Alexander's Almanac
Ruminations On The World Around Us (and other stupid stuff)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
(Video) Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the US
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This is what Sharia in the US will look like. Dearborn,Michigan has a large Muslim population. Many in the city have asked for Sharia courts in the States.Tell me if this what you want your America to look like.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A WORLD MOURNS (no not over the Iranians silly, over the King of Pop)

I don't mean to diminish his death in the slightest. It should be big news. The death of Farrah Fawcett should also be big news. There's no doubt about it that for people of my generation, and for me in particular, a very significant portion of my childhood died today. But lets not lose our perspective amid 24 hr coverage of "THE DEATH OF THE KING OF POP" and the invariable tributes and retrospectives that will be flooding the magazine racks and airwaves.
The happiest people in the world right now are the dictators in Iran who are busy murdering their own people, people who yearn to have the freedom to care over something as frivilous as The King of Pop. They are happy because instead of pictures like these:

You'll be seeing pictures like these:

You'll be reminded of these type disturbing videos from Michael:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Republicans, and many in the presidents own party, have objected to having the Wiggers free on American soil. Sen Harry Reid released a press statement where he declared:“We will never allow terrorists to be released into the United States.” When pressed futher by reporters Reid stated bluntly,“We don’t want them around the United States”:
REID: I’m saying that the United States Senate, Democrats and Republicans, do not want terrorists to be released in the United States. That’s very clear.
QUESTION: No one’s talking about releasing them. We’re talking about putting them in prison somewhere in the United States.
REID: Can’t put them in prison unless you release them.
QUESTION: Sir, are you going to clarify that a little bit? …
REID: I can’t make it any more clear than the statement I have given to you. We will never allow terrorists to be released in the United States

Apparently I totally misheard who was sent to Bermuda. The actual group of terrorists are called Uighurs,pronouced Uighurs. This is the actual story and the Brits reaction,thanks to HOT AIR.
Here's an article from THE GUARDIAN

Saturday, June 13, 2009
now please leave.
I haven't blogged in months, due in part to a computer disaster, and life in general.
I also wanted to sincerely give President Obama a chance. I stated after he was elected that I thought that Obama was pragmatic enough that he would try and govern down the middle since he had a democrat Congress that leaned heavily left so he would have to try and act as a buffer to a generally center-right country.
In just a few few months since being elected this president has already spent more money than every president combined. In fact if we spent a million dollars every day since the time Jesus was born, IT WOULD STILL BE LESS THAN OBAMA AND CONGRESS HAS SPENT WITH THE 800 BILLION DOLLAR STIMULUS PACKAGE!
Thats not including the Obama budget will increase taxes by close to a TRILLION DOLLARS!
President Obama (a smoker) and Congress (money grubbing fools) have just enacted the most sweeping smoking regulation in 50 years.
So let me get this straight, we're funding health care for lower income children by taxing the hell out of cigarettes,right? And we've declared war on cigartettes and the tobacco industry and are seeking to discourage smokers from smoking and others from starting. So if that is sucessful then we have no money to pay for all the sick poor kids. Y'know only in Washington could that make sense.

This is just the beginning folks. I haven't even touched his apology tour, emboldening our enemies, and how he's has fractured the relationships with our allies that Bush supposedly already damaged. I can't wait to touch the fawning,sycophantic media, and how dangerous it is and how they are proving my posts entiltled the VELVET DICTATORSHIP. And I'm excited to start tearing into the kool-aid drinkers, and Pelosi and Reid, and the whole bunch.Please stay tuned and drop me a line.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My President
In my previous posts titled THE VELVET DICTATORSHIP, I spelled out how the cult-like adoration from everyday people and the silent and awestruck press, is dangerous for this nation. If Obama was so inclined, he could slowly take advantage of this and set himself up as a benevolent dictator.I don't think he will but perception can sometimes be reality.
I believe,or rather I hope, that Obama is a pragmatist. With a democrat Congress I don't believe he will govern from the left but he will lean more to the center, at least for the first term. I believe it is our duty to support him when he takes office. We don't want to follow the example of the liberal Left and how they treated President Bush. We should be the loyal opposition.
Having said that, we must work to restore conservatism and we must be vigilant that the things I write about in The Velvet Dictatorship do not come to pass.
We should all say a prayer for our new President and wish him the best of luck and support.